Annual Town Residents Meeting 2024
You're Invited to Ludlow Town Council’s Annual Residents Meeting
Ludlow Town Council warmly invites residents to its annual Residents Meeting on Monday 29th April, 7pm at Ludlow Methodist Church. This meeting offers a prime opportunity for residents to engage directly with the Council, to learn about their work and to ask questions.
Residents are encouraged to submit their questions in advance to ensure comprehensive responses during the meeting. The deadline for question submission is Monday 22nd April 2024. Further questions are welcome during the meeting; however, the response may be provided after the meeting.
During the meeting, the Mayor of Ludlow, Councillor Glenn Ginger will, with support from the Committee Chairs, speak about the council’s local services, finances and projects undertaken in 2023 / 24. There will be copies of the Annual Report for 2023/24 for residents to take away with them.
Mayor of Ludlow, Councillor Glenn Ginger said; “The annual residents meeting is important for both the council and the community. It’s an opportunity for residents to get to know the councillors who serve the community of Ludlow, and for the Town Council to better understand the views of local residents.”
This meeting will be held at Ludlow Methodist Church on Monday 29th of April at 7pm.
Residents are encouraged to submit their questions to:
Gina Wilding, Town Clerk,
Ludlow Town Council,
The Guildhall, Mill Street, Ludlow, SY8 1AZ
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